I had no idea how to end the title of this post.
But, if you're willing to wait, you get to see the whole article, which is quite similar to what I intended to express.
Last night after a few hours struggling with French (I am completely new, only had one class and a text book with no Chinese or Engish written), a friend messaged me on msn telling me a opinion on a book. I noticed on his msn status he wrote "Anyone care for Carrefour?" and asked him if he was going to ask me out.
Soon we were set to meet at ten pm at Carrefour giving me a two hour window to fill in. So I called Emily and asked her if she'd like to meet me early and the both of us could catch up on some reading. So it was around 7:30, I took a quick swim, shower and head out.
I was at Carrefour reading when Emily messeged me that she'll arive late (she was picking up a trainee). I was soooo hungry at the moment but still decided to wait until her arival thinking she spoke of coupons to Mcdonalds before. But half an hour before 10:00 she called and said she may not make it and that our trainee Dinul brought food! I was welcome to come but due to my previous appointment I could not leave of course.
So I put my book in the back of my scooter and went inside the market to check out some latest 3C stuff, and guess who I met? A friend from high school, also studying in SYU. We had a little chat while I was still in hunger so off to the bakery we went. Finally it was 10:00, I still managed not to buy anything and we were at the check out counter (or is it cashier?) when the friend I was going to meet here at 10:00 called to say he lost his scooter keys.
Eventually I ended up at Emily's place meeting Kiki, Dinul and Nozomi.
Still no dinner, didn't meet anyone I was meant to and ran in to a long lost friend.
At least I'm almost finishing my book.
Wonder what would have happened if I got something to eat.
But if you're willing to wait...
Let's see how today turns out.
4 則留言:
Hey bro! :) so what's the name of your book?
The author's Taiwanese, just came out a month. Directly translated it means "Your first book to International Relations".
Wow~ you're using blogger, too! That's great, haha~
This article makes me think of the book "Don't eat the marshmellow yet!"
It's really good to know that you're now studying a variety of subjects, and hope that you could share with me when we meet next year:)
Sunddenly I realised I didn't reply to you dear christine:) I'm sure we'll have a lot to talk about next year, see you then!