2008年10月3日 星期五

This is where it all starts.

(photo of a building in Sun Yat-sen University some day when I was heading to class)

This is my motto for this year.

"If I have something to say,
it must mean I have nothing to do.。"

Not only does it mean I'm trying to spend more time actually doing things,
I've decided not to explain too much or speak of unfinished projects, at least before there is something really worth sharing.

Finally in life I realize there are some friends I cherish,
and this is the place I choose to let them take a closer look at my life.

Jimmy Weng

4 則留言:

CandiceK 提到...

Hey, dear friend,
keeping up:)
for both of us!

To become a great thinker, you must THINK. 提到...

Looking forward to us meeting in two years, when you finish grad school and when I get out of military service.

Katherine Lin 提到...


i like here

To become a great thinker, you must THINK. 提到...

You're welcome to come.